Niraj Kumar

Jul 13, 20201 min

Assassin Creed Valhalla Release Date Confirmed: UBI Soft

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

Assassin Creed Valhalla released date confirmed officially by UBI soft. Game is announced during the UBI forward event held on July 12 2020. It will launch on November 17. Valhalla officially confirmed for Pc, Playstation 4, Stadia, and X-box one.

As we know, the released date already leaked yesterday, but we have got official confirmation now the game will be released in November.

A launch date for Assassin Creed Valhalla on PlayStation 5 and X-box series it is going to be verified later. But there is the advantage for X-box one user with the use of X-box’s quick delivery there is a free upgrade for X-box one user who purchases the game on 17 to X-box Series X. UBI also confirmed during event game will be launch on PS5, with the UBI soft proving Valhalla will be a free upgrade on Sony next-gen system.

The story of Valhalla revolved around the Eivor, a Viking raider who became embroiled in the Battle between the Brotherhood of assassins and the Templar. During UBI Forward the Publisher also shared solid gameplay when I first saw this gameplay it resemble with the famous game Black Flag, this gameplay revealed many things like it’s an open-world adventure game, stealth gameplay with various combat abilities and weapon, some of the places you may triumph over and go to, and lots more excellent. In this game, you can play as male and female characters also customize the Eivor hairstyle, cloth, and outfit according to your need.

Pre-order starts on Amazon and Walmart sites with amazing offers go and check it.
